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Thank you for your interest in teaching for Westside Extension!  We are the Community Services Program at West Los Angeles College.  Our not-for-credit offerings cover a wide variety of topics and may range in duration from single-session seminars to multi-month programs, though those tend to be few. Our typical class meets 1-5 times. We encourage you to review our current offerings by downloading the pdf schedule. You may also click Course List in the left sidebar; however, classes that have ended will not show on site any more.

Instructors are paid on an hourly basis, starting at $20 per hour. Our program serves an area that includes Culver City, Mar Vista, Westchester, Marina del Rey, Inglewood, Ladera Heights, the Crenshaw District, and other parts of West Los Angeles. Our students are generally working adults, so classes are usually scheduled after 6:30pm Monday through Thursday, or on Saturdays and occasional Sundays.

We accept course proposals year-round, but tend to develop new courses three times a year (see below).  For summer, we tend to concentrate on developing offerings for children.  We don't do a lot of development for Fall semester, as it is the quietest semester in community education.  Your proposal will be reviewed considering such things as interest, available facilities, and compatibility with our existing offerings.

Semester Classes Offered Development Primary Focus
Spring mid-Feb to mid-May Oct-Nov Adult Classes
Summer mid-June to mid-Aug March College for Kids
Fall mid-Sept to early-Dec June-July Adult Classes


To propose a class, please complete the packet of linked forms above: Course Proposal, Instructor Information Sheet and Title V form (Curriculum Template).  If you are proposing more than one course, please complete a separate Course Proposal form and Title V (Curriculum Template) form for each class.

Feel free to attach other materials to these forms if you think they will help us evaluate your proposal. Information on similar classes you have taught is valuable. Also include a list of any required materials and materials fees. If we schedule an interview, we will want you to bring the materials for our review. 
If your proposal seems like a good fit, we will contact you to schedule a time to meet with us for further discussion.

Submit forms by email to

Click on the 3 links at the top of the page to open up a pdf copy of each form in Adobe Acrobat.