To view our online courses, please visit our dedicated website at
Put a Little Class in Your Life with Westside Extension!
Professional Development
Other Professional Development
Westside Extension offers an array of elective, not-for-credit classes, workshops, and one-day seminars for kids and adults in a wide variety of topics. Extension classes are usually taken for career development, as a way to explore new interests, or for simple enjoyment. Classes are short and have no credits or grades assigned to them.
The Extension program is self-supporting, with all revenues generated from class registration fees. Financial assistance is not available. An Extension schedule of classes is distributed three times a year: spring, summer, and fall. Registrations and payment of class fees are handled through the Extension office only.
We welcome feedback and input from students on class ideas. All Extension instructors are interviewed and selected for their knowledge in their field and their willingness to share their expertise. If you would like to submit a course proposal, please select the teach link at left for more information.